By combining cutting edge quantitative risk technology and human market intelligence, we build portfolios designed to provide efficient market exposure with highly customizable attributes.
By combining cutting edge quantitative risk technology and human market intelligence, we build portfolios designed to provide efficient market exposure with highly customizable attributes.
When it comes to detailed financial analysis, technology can do it quickly, accurately, and efficiently. This saves time and money. And we pass those savings along to you in the form of lower fees. Because it’s the right thing to do.
Investors do not need complexity and “black box” solutions to find outsized returns. Our approach focuses on implementing liquid high quality investments in companies most people are familiar with and blending them to meet the right goals for individuals and institutions.
By utilizing leading edge technology, we don’t just look at one stock or one account. We take a complete look at your entire wealth picture and evaluate how each part interacts with the other pieces to provide you a comprehensive picture of where your risk lies.
Utilizing the same risk analytics implemented in our equity strategies, Greybox Investments constructs both risk and goal based asset allocations for individuals and institutions. Our allocations always focus on forward looking market expectations built from investment knowledge, while risk analysis provides a deeper look at the broader correlations and risk implications of different asset classes. The result is a holistic and tax aware strategy that is diversified not just from an asset class standpoint, but from a broader investment approach as well.
Global Core Equity – 40-60 large cap global equities securities. Emphasis on low turnover and long term capital appreciation. Exposure to both developed and emerging international exposure. Benchmark: MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI)
Large Cap Core Equity Income – 30-40 large cap US equity securities. Constructed to maximize potential dividend income while maintaining a similar risk profile to the benchmark. Benchmark: Russell 1000 Value
Address: 2129 1st. Avenue North, Suite 201
Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone: 205-703-0900